Friday, June 28, 2013

Showboat Drive-in

Though it was fun, and in the same situation we'd probably go again, this was yet another "attempt" in some ways because poor Sennia was too tired. I thought she'd fall asleep, we'd be done earlier. . . .and my math was off. Nothing turned out quite like I'd imagined. That said, it was fun. The kids had a great time and even though they got to bed at 11:30 and were up before 7, I guess we'll survive. 

We met up with lots of friends, that was the key. Love our ward. Too bad I didn't get any real pictures. I thought I had but turns out they weren't really on here????I hate my camera.

I had 2 favorite things about the night. This was the first. Sammy was lost for the first 1/2 hour we were waiting but I encouraged him to go join Emma in the group tetherball game and since he had NO IDEA what that was all about, he took a while to decide but I guess he figured it out because he went over and joined in. He'd take his turn and them come tell me about it and call it things like "Totherball". Funny kid. He had a good time though. AND. . . 

got a tooth knocked out. "The champion" helped him find it and thus Sam became a star.

Here's our set up. Notice how gross Brig's feet are. Yep, running over that whole place with no shoes. 

Oh Fablehaven, he is quite obsessed. I found out yesterday that Samuel is capable of listening to a book on CD and reading at the same time and comprehending. That . . . ya, don't know what to say about that. At least he doesn't complain when he wants to read and I have books on for the littles.

And lastly, Alena and her friends. So glad she has friends. I have a cute pictures of Brig and Senn but it has my LP# partially in it so I haven't got the patience to deal with that yet. Maybe after a nap.


You know how you always hear about famous people who tried 1,000 light bulbs before they created the one that work or  hundreds of rejections before the book that got published. Well, as a mom I feel that. I try in a hundred ways to help my kids have a great life and there are many failures. This was one of those. a big mess nobody really "got". Oh well. 

Watch out for soap in those eyes-not a good baby activity.

"Mom, you write the letters." uh, sure that's not how I was hoping this would go down.

"What do we do with it besides spread it around?" Um shave?

On another note, miss Sennia has gotten some serious opinions and strong feelings about carrying them out of late. I took her in for pj's. She refused but instead wanted this ensemble. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Cub Scout Day Camp!!!!

Can I just say this has been my favorite even of the summer. Seriously, it was so fun to do something completely different, to not have a 3yr old or a baby in tow with every single thing I did. It was fun to see all the leaders serving and working with the boys. It was fun to teach them and watch them have fun. I was awesome to watch Eli and Luke enjoy themselves working their tails off. I loved it all even though it was stinkin' hot. So glad for my big boys and hubby to make serious sacrifices so I could go. We can't wait for next year!
Sam and his den-well some of them. Some nice kids!

Sam and his buddy Conner

The anxiously anticipated snow-cone of the day. People, they deserved it hot and humid beyond expression!

Samuel and Conner making first aid kits at my station.

Here I am teaching 15 of my 48 wolves to make First-Aid kits.
Alena at Sibling Camp. She had a great time!

Fun with the Youngens Day 1 (Well, actually 2 1/2)

So I'm trying hard to take the opportunity I have this week with only my middle and younger kids to do some fun mommy things. My desperate desire for time to myself after I finish my chores and Brigham's 6am wake up time left me very unhappy about the idea but I persevered and we had a pretty good day:) We swam for a long time early this morning, then we made wire creations. Alena made the butterfly that you see, Sammy made the lizard holding everything up, Alena also made the red ring in the front, and I made the treble clef and the 'B' ring (for Luke and Brigham respectively). Turned out pretty well if I do say so myself!
For the first time in his life Brigham just fell asleep with no compulsion. I left him in the Game Room with the order NOT to come out until those swim trunks had been traded for shorts and undies so we could go to the swim banquet and I went to help Alena shower and dress Sennia. When I came to check on him, this is what I found. I couldn't believe it. 6am is a bit too early for this rough and tumble.
Swim Banquet was held at a roller rink. Pretty fun. Coach Leigh is way back there handing out awards and trophies.

Here are my crazies with their trophies.

He was PRETTY DARN proud of this.

They had a lot of fun even if they didn't get to skate.

Our wild woman took these in honor of her missing biggest brothers.

Our swim and church friends skating and playing arcade.

Alena was pretty jealous that her friends were skating. She was sure that she would be a pro and NEVER fall. NEVER. Haha. We couldn't really afford it, nor was I up to solo with all our novices and a baby so we left as soon as we got our loot.

Brig and Sen pretended to play arcade:)
So I don't have any pictures from Sunday, but it turned out to be a nice day. Sennia was up for 2 hrs in the night so that was rough but to be expected when Matt's gone things like that happen dependably. But the kids got ready for church and then listened to 'Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm' while they picked up the GameRoom and I practiced a special musical number with some ladies for church. Then we had lunch and went to church and a friend sat at the end of our row and Brigham entertained her since I'm sure she was desperately missing her 3 yr old she'd left at home and wishing somebody would keep her from hearing the meeting this week.  The musical number went well and Sennia spent RS alone in nursery for the first time and loved it. Oh ya. Seriously. Then, I bought a $5 Wal-Mart video the other day for the first time-Joseph Prince of Egypt and I let them watch it on Sunday. So so nice. It was a good day until I just got so lonely without Matt I could hardly stand it. Oh well, nothing's perfect.

Best Father's Day Ever

Just in case anyone want to see the real deal, just look at our group shots. They are never brag-worthy, but just real. Here's the marvelous Father's Day breakfast I made. Waffles, whipped cream and strawberries=everyone happy.

(Sennia loves "helping" with the garden)
This year I went all out. It's been a while because for so many years the hard part of life was weighted so heavily on my side that Matt didn't even expect. Father's Day was an opportunity to actually take time to be a dad if anything. So this year I really had no excuse. He got to sleep in, water and baby his garden, eat breakfast when he wanted, shower and relax. He seriously had the easiest day and all he could've asked for. Yes, pat, pat, pat. The clothes I spent my hard earned money on didn't fit so he even got to go shopping the next weekend during the 5 hrs he was actually home out of 2weeks. Lucky, lucky man.

We love, love our dad and I really enjoyed giving him a happy day. Actually, in some ways it was a day off for me too. I didn't teach piano lessons, didn't budget or work on callings or. . . I just served my little family. Happy to do it!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hair cute for the Briggle




Since 5

So this little fish of mine was up at 5am. That happens sometimes but this week of day camp has made me incredible tired and 5am was ugly. So, we made the best of it and while we took advantage of the temperature being below 90 I made up a little ditty.

"Well the crew is asleep and the oceans at rest and I'm singing this song for the ones I love best. Since 5 little fi-ish, since 5, since 5.
Since 5 little fi-ish since 5 since 5.

So we'll snuggle and vacuum the car while you play. And we'll get a big jump on the rest of our day. Since 5 little fi-ish, since 5, since 5. Since 5 little fi-ish since 5 since 5.
And you'll love this new job, one you have-n't tried, be careful and don't get the soap in your eyes. Since 5 little fi-ish, since 5, since 5. Since 5 little fi-ish since 5 since 5."

Fruits of the Earth

Pesto, pesto and occasionally pizza.

Meet pizza, sandwiches and tarts

We call this enchiladas, quiche or po-boys.

New Member of the Family-as of yet unnamed