Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween-Have a Booorrito!

$3 Chipotle meals for dressed up folks!

Finally a Brig sized meal!


Wild West at Chipotle. (Matt and I are a little out of theme.)

First stop, The Duntons. Best candy and best people! Not a bad group shot for my uncooperative group-Miss A excepting!

Next stop parking the park.

After "winging" at the park a bit we convinced her to let us trick-or-treat. She was a fan, although she'd have preferred some of these nice people just handed out their dogs instead of so much candy. At least let her come in and play with them!

After all that rain, it was an absolutely GORGEOUS night. I wish the color had come through on this picture. Brilliant.

Happy Halloween to you all!

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