Sunday, October 27, 2013

Trunk or Treat!

It's the wild west folks!  Luke was setting up for Trunk or Treat so he wasn't able to be in our picture. Thank goodness we still have Halloween.

Don't know why these pictures have lines.

Our trunk got first place for the 2nd year in a row. Matt went a little all out on his toxic waste site and costume.

Sennia thought it was a pretty fun gig. She hit 4 trunks, got 2 Lollies and a taffy(and a chocolate that disappeared since she can't eat them) and settled down to watch dad hand out candy and eat her lollies. I'm not one of those parents who gathers candy she has no intention of giving to her baby. Bizarre adults.

Matt's overly elaborate trunk left me unable to get to Brig and take him but thankfully he had a loving big brother who took him around.

He was quite proud of his mustache.

Our neighbors came with us to Trunk or Treat. This was Anderson's first time to Trick or Treat. He enjoyed himself.


  1. I love the whole thing! Their expressions in the first picture were perfect, TOTAL bummer Luke wasn't in that one! Also love the hazmat site, so cool!!!

  2. I loved your themed costumes every year!
