Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Crazy VanWart Side

My Dad's side of the family just seems as normal as normal could ever be. They are dependable and predictable and are good examples of composure and good living. My mom's side of the family is not. They are crazy, fun, unpredictable and will love you to death. They have showered me with love and devotion in every stage of my life. I could not be luckier to have both influences in my life.
Sammy met my cousins kids-so did I actually.

Dear Aunt Deanie.

My sweet cousin Mona and her husband Lance. Parents of those cute kids. She's embarking on a homeschooling adventure and is very inspiring with her enthusiasm:)

In the pink is my Aunt Ramona. Matt loves my Aunt's almost as much as I do I'm pretty sure. They're the shirt off their back kind and sometimes that's all they have. They can love and that's why he loves them. They adore him.

My sweet Grandma. She gave birth to all the crazy Aunts but she's really not so crazy. I think they all got it from Grandpa. She's loving though. Oh how very loving she is. Sennia just made everybody's day. I'm so thankful I was able to take a moment out of my own crazy world to visit them and get pictures for my little Sennia. I certainly hope she can know them and remember them but just in case.


  1. Oh how fun. I want my husband and kids to meet everyone too. No one has seen my boys since April's funeral. Sometimes I forget they have met them at all since that wasn't really a happy family meeting time.

  2. What a fun trip! I'm sorry about your Dad, I know it's hard to watch your parents deal with the effects of aging.

  3. So fun to see pictures of your trip. It looks like you had a fabulous time.

  4. LOVE this! And I think you described our extended family perfectly. We really are lucky!
