Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Bust

K, now that my blog is private, I would like to record the first night of the rest of Matt's career.

Matt signed up for a bust that they needed agents to participate in. I was excited for him. Later I found out that it was scheduled to take place through the night. Mmm. "Ok, still excited for you."

He didn't have to go into work until 4pm that day-cool. We spent the day looking at houses.

5-6pm I could no longer communicate with him.

7:30pm kids in bed and I'm feeling pretty good to have some time to myself again.(I LOVE co-habitating but I became pretty accustomed to having a LOT of time to myself. I've always enjoyed the amazing amount of productiveness that I can reach alone)

I finished organizing the closet and the medicines, toiletries and first-aid supplies that have been packed on at least 4 seperate occasions while listening to 'Atlas Shrugged'.

11pm went to bed after I finally got a text from Matt saying he hoped to be home around 1-2am. Gave myself a pep-talk "Amber, you will NOT wake up worried, he'll definitely be later than he thinks, he always is. . ."

2am ZING! wide awake, Matt's not here. "Go back to sleep, go back to sleep . . ."
2:30am still awake. Recieve text "have to wait for ... to take subjects then I'll be home." me-"go to sleep."
3am dozing off. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" It's Brigham. bottle, owl blanket. Back to bed.
3:30am last time I remember the clock
6am ZING! No matt. "Go back to sleeep" oh,there's a text from Matt hopinghe'll be leaving at 6:30am.
7am "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD" Brig. I wasn't sleeping anyway.
7:30am text from Matt "waiting for one subject's interview to finish" Eli's making pancakes. I'm stumbling around getting people dressed etc
8:27am text from Matt "just now leaving."
Fed him, put him to bed. He was awake around 2pm.

We went looking at houses that afternoon. Matt says
"I'm going to go out for SWAT . . ."

My thoughts:
1) I like an 8-5ish job but the occasional off-schedule is fun.
2)I'm HORRIBLE at sitting home and wondering if my husband is getting shot at or even just wondering what he's seeing and how it's all going.
3)When I'm up all night wondering if he's getting shot at, when do I make up for that loss of sleep?
4) Am I going to get used to this? I know that other people do. I guess it will be good for me, help me let go? Perhaps it will prepare me for having teen-agers?
5)I am happy, that he is happy.


  1. You will totally get used to it!
    Nate will have slept at the hospital last night, tonight and Tuesday and I'll have seen him maybe 6 hrs total. (Only a half hour today, Church.)
    And when he'd be on call at the beginning it would end up being around 2am I could finally calm myself in sleeping, now I can go to bed whenever.
    It's not fun, but you get used to it!
    Good Luck.

  2. It will get better, sort of. You won't wake up as often, but honestly, I never got good at falling asleep on my own. After being the wife of a police officer for 5 years, I was glad to switch to a normal schedule. I do miss having my evenings to myself occasionally though.

    We always read scriptures and said prayers right before Russell left for work and I felt like that was the best protection I could give him.

  3. I don't know if I could do it! I'm sure it will get better and I think it's important for your husband to do what he needs to and to be happy! I think your housing options there in Houston are amazing! Maybe you make up for it with your 4 seasons though...

  4. oh boy! Well it's a good thing there is excitement in it. Maybe one day you will write a book for him all about the adventures he couldn't share at the time :)

  5. i feel your pain, girl! you do get used to it. is that a good thing or a bad thing?
